STOP (Supporting Parents Of Teenagers)

The step-by-step course is for parents with pre-teen or teenagers (10-16 year olds). The course aims to improve family communication through learning how to really listen and de-code what your pre-teen/teenager is really saying or needing. As your pre-teen/teenager is developing and changing, this course will increase your knowledge on teenage brain development and effective behaviour management skills which will help you, as a parent, feel in control yet still sensitively respond to your pre-teen/teenagers psychological, physical and emotional needs. The course also gives information on key parental concerns for this age group such as drugs, drink, sexual health and aggression in young people. This course is mindful of parents/carers needs and emotions as well as the teenagers.

The course will run over 12 weeks taking any necessary breaks for school holidays, you will meet for 2 hours each week. Folders, handouts, prizes, certificates and refreshments will be provided

Details of a course near you will be provided on application

Cost per family for the 12 week course £400.

What parents have said

“Many thanks for this fantastic course, I have taken so much from it and will continue to use it. Much of what we have learnt can also be used in everyday life (life skills)”

You were right about the STOP programme. It has really helped me look at my parenting day to day. It is as you said respectful to both the needs of teenagers and also to their parents”

“Over the weeks you have shown me I can do the mum job, and that sometimes there are better ways of doing things”

“Thanks for keeping us sane and for teaching us some new swear words”