Incredible Years school age

The Incredible Years course is for parents with primary school aged children (4-10 years) and is suitable for any parent/carers of children who are in need of just a bit of guidance, or who want to radically re-think their whole approach to parenting, it has been found to be helpful for children with ADHD, impulsivity or attention difficulties. The course starts with how to build up your relationship with your child through spending time together and praising the behaviour you like. There are tips on setting rules for your family, using rewards effectively (as incentives rather than bribes). The sessions on limit-setting teach skills for ignoring unwanted behaviours and ‘time out’ to calm down. These skills will enable you, as the parent, to teach your child to deal with their emotions and learn ways of understanding how they feel, and express what they are feeling.  There is also a very healthy focus on the needs of parents and how parents also need support and care.

The course will run over 12 weeks taking any necessary breaks for school holidays, you will meet for 2 hours each week. Folders, handouts, prizes, certificates and refreshments will be provided

Details of a course near you will be provided on application

Cost per family for the 12 week course £400.

What parents have said

“Thank you for making our home a calmer and happier place to be; making us feel we are not the only ones and providing us with the confidence and support to succeed”.

“This course has honestly changed my life for the better”.

“I can’t thank you enough, this course has been a god send and worth its weight in gold, I have loved coming and have learnt lots to try and to keep trying THANK YOU”


Should you wish to read more about the Incredible Years programmes